Georgina 4th May 2021

I remember you joining Ardenhurst. Your classroom neighboured ours with an adjoining door so first thing in the morning I often would see you laughing, you brought so much energy and joy with you. You would talk so enthusiastically about helping young drivers at kart races, how making alterations would make such a difference to their race times. When you were at Jag you would talk about all sorts engineering challenges, all beyond me, but your passion was infectious and the projects were always so exciting. You become a chartered engineer so early and accomplished so much so fast. On top of all this you were always renovating properties, never phased no matter how wonky a wall or the foundations. You were never proud or boastful, you just loved making things better. Not just things, but somebody’s day, always a smile, a story, a listening ear. You genuinely enjoyed helping people- lucky us. I’ll miss your stories of Canadian blizzards and armoured cars... my deepest sympathies are with your family Paula, Tony, Mat and Penny, thinking of you all especially today. x