Joanne 4th May 2021

Dan when I think back to the school days you paid such a huge part in all our lives. I was only thinking today whilst driving too fast to Henley to pay my respects...that it’s thanks to you I can drive fast and handle corners (I promise I don’t normally drive too fast). You were so handsome, capable of all sorts of mischief but just cute enough to get away with it! The cheekiest giggle and heart of pure gold, what an impression you made on so many people! I had my one and only detention after we passed notes in class, too busy flirting to learn about right angles... we definitely didn’t go to Ardenhurst for the education but hey we’ve all done alright! I remember how we used to argue daily about which is better a motorbike or a horse. For hours at lunch we would disagree over which is faster, more difficult to handle, could jump the highest, was more risky... literally hours! I wish I could go back to those conversations now. Thoughts today with Matt Cotterill, heartbreaking watching you walking with Dan today. Paula, Tony and Mat you are in my thoughts daily, sending you strength and love. Forever in our hearts, rest in peace DJ xxx