Jaguar SVO

Created by Steve 3 years ago
I first met & got to know Dan when we were all working within SVO (Special Vehicle Operations) at Jaguar, as a small group of engineers pushing boundaries we bonded together. I remember being regaled by both Dan & Dez as they would regularly race each other home, Dan in his then racing Puma, Dez on his VFR motorbike; both of them are now gone, but not whilst daring & dicing against the odds, but whilst carrying out ordinary tasks.
Following the disbandment of SVO, regularly meeting up for a curry became a feature, Dan would be centre stage whilst recalling his latest extraordinary project, there would always be an unsurmountable hurdle in the way which would be swept aside by his usual optimism and verve, the story always ended the same with the simple line ‘’well we just did it anyway’’
You’ll be sorely missed Dan, our thoughts are with Penny who you’ve left behind. Steve & Sam Kerr
